15 Things I’d Never Do As A Nutrition Coach
Most of my life, I made countless diet mistakes to try to get in shape. As a Certified Nutrition Coach & Weight Loss Specialist, I’ve learned a lot since then and would love to share with you 15 things I’d NEVER do.
If you find yourself doing one or more of the items mentioned below, don’t feel discouraged. Many people do these things without realizing it may not be the best strategy or long-term approach to healthy eating.
If you want to dive deeper into learning how to eat to reach your goals, join me in my FREE masterclass on the Top 5 Trainer Secrets to Get (and Stay) in Shape!

I’ll be going LIVE over Zoom on Tuesday September 20th at 4:30pm PST so that you can get back on track this Fall!
15 things I’d never do as a nutrition coach
- I’d never take a diet pill, fat burner, or juice cleanse in an effort to speed up weight loss
- I’d never give up an entire macronutrient like carbs or fats out of my diet
- I’d never completely cut out sweets - it only leads to bigger cravings
- I’d never go a day without drinking water
- I’d never just focus on the calorie content of food
- I’d never eat less than 1,200 calories a day thinking I was speeding up my weight loss goals
- I’d never try to spot reduce fat by focusing on only specific areas of my body
- I’d never eat “diet foods” like 100-calorie snack packs, low fat, low carb, keto thinking I was making healthier choices
- I’d never give up my favorite vices. Instead, I’d have them in moderation and/or make healthier alternatives by swapping them for better ingredients
- I’d never follow someone else’s exact diet plan thinking that if I followed it, I’d get the same results
- I’d never do a cheat day
- I’d never eat until extreme fullness in an effort to clean my plate. I’d listen to my body and eat until I’m satisfied.
- I’d never eat as a way to cope with my emotions. Food never satisfies emotions and it’s important to find positive outlets to relieve stress, anger, loneliness, or boredom.
- I’d never believe that working out really hard will erase my bad eating habits. Results come from 80% nutrition, 20% fitness.
- I’d never try to create these changes all at once. It’s important to create new habits one at a time. While it might take slower, results will last long-term.
Let me know if this was helpful! Feel free to leave a COMMENT below!
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