5 Foods to Remove out of your Diet
Are you curious to know what foods you should remove out of your diet to improve health, lose weight, and feel better?
Here’s my hot take on the top 5 foods you should take out of your diet:
- "Faux" Foods: These are foods that are marketed as food, but really, are scientifically engineered products that have literally no nutritional benefit. If you can't pronounce at least 80-90% of the ingredients on the label, it's best to put it back down and walk away.
- Foods You're Allergic To: It may seem like common sense, but if certain foods cause an allergic reaction that can pose potentially life-threatening issues, it's best to stay away from them.
- Foods You're Intolerant To: Some foods (like gluten) can cause serious issues like skin rashes, digestive issues, and a whole host of issues. Note that only 6% of the US population is gluten intolerant, whereas many more can simply be gluten sensitive.
- Foods You're Sensitive To: There may be foods that may cause sensitivities in the form of gas, bloating, acne, weight gain, etc. The only way to truly know if you're sensitive is by doing some kind of sensitivity test via bloodwork or eliminating it out of your diet for a few weeks, then bringing it back in.
- Foods That Trigger You: There may be foods that trigger you to overeat. If you know that having that food in the house will heavily influence you to overeat it, it's best to just remove it from your environment. Out of sight, out of mind.

Remember, all foods can fit into a healthy, flexible, well-balanced diet. However, depending on your stage of the journey, sometimes removing foods completely can help you on your path to success.
Ultimately, do what works best for you!
Jenny J
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