Here are 5 ways to stop overeating:
1. Set a Timer - Slow and Steady Wins the Race
In our fast-paced society, we often find ourselves rushing through meals. But here's a simple trick: set a timer! Next time you eat, challenge yourself to take a bit more time. You'll be amazed at how quickly you usually finish your plate. Try extending your eating time by just 5 minutes. Remember, it takes roughly 20 minutes for your brain to register that you're full, so aim for a leisurely 20-minute (or longer) timeframe to savor your meal.
2. Chew Slowly and Deliberately
Chewing isn't just a mechanical process; it's a vital part of digestion. By consciously chewing each bite and really relishing the flavors, you'll not only aid digestion but also feel more satisfied.
3. Eat Distraction Free
Let's face it, distractions are a major culprit when it comes to overeating. Food should be the star of the show, not a side act. Find a quiet spot, preferably a dinner table, and dedicate that time solely to your meal. No phones, no TV—just you and your food.
4. Eat more whole foods
Processed foods have a sneaky way of making us crave more and more. Stick to wholesome, fiber-filled foods. It will help send signals to your brain when you've had enough.
5. Eat with others
Surround yourself with people who maintain a healthy eating pace and use their influence to your advantage. By observing their portion sizes and when they stop eating, you'll have a gentle reminder to tune in and recognize when it's time to call it a meal.
Remember, it's all about finding a balance that works for you. By embracing these tips and incorporating them into your lifestyle, you'll be well on your way to preventing overeating. Bon appétit and happy, mindful eating!
Jenny J
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