8 Ways to Get Better Sleep Tonight

fitness lifestyle Apr 29, 2024

Having a solid sleep routine has truly been the elixir to better aging, keeping the extra pounds away, and buzzing energy all day.

I am a firm believer that you MUST be prioritizing sleep.

There are so many benefits, including but not limited to: having a smaller waistline (research shows this), reduced sugar cravings, no energy crashes, better mood, and so much more.

Here are some my top tips on creating a solid bedtime routine for better sleep:

1. Stick to a Consistent Sleep Routine

Try to hit the sack and rise at the same time every day, even on weekends. It helps your body clock stay on track.

2. Wind Down with a Chill Bedtime Ritual
Create a cozy pre-sleep routine to tell your body it's time to relax. Maybe snuggle up with a book, take a warm bath, or do some deep breathing or meditation

3. Make Your Bedroom a Sleepy Haven
Keep your sleep space cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfy mattress and pillows, and maybe get some blackout curtains or a white noise machine to drown out any noise.

4. Ditch the Screens Before Bed
You know that blue light from phones and laptops? It messes with your sleep cycle. Try to give your eyes a break from screens at least an hour before bedtime, or use those night mode settings if you can't resist.

5. Watch What You Eat and Drink
Heavy meals, caffeine, and booze too close to bedtime can mess with your ZZZs. Opt for lighter snacks, cut down on caffeine in the afternoon, and maybe skip that nightcap.

6. Get Moving, but Not Too Close to Bedtime
Regular exercise is great for sleep, but don't do anything too intense right before bed. Aim for some moderate activity most days of the week, and your body will thank you.

7. Chill The F- Out
Stress and anxiety can keep you tossing and turning. Try relaxation techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or a little yoga before bed to help calm your mind.

8. Keep Naps in Check
Quick naps can be awesome, but don't overdo it or nap too late in the day. A 20-30 minute snooze is perfect to recharge, but any longer might mess with your nighttime sleep

Give these tips a shot, and hopefully, you'll be catching those ZZZs like a pro! 💤✨










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