The reason why most of us can never stick to a fitness routine is because of the way we VIEW exercise.
We see it as:
A chore. A punishment for eating like crap on the weekends.
An evil way to self-torture ourselves.
A pain.
If you continue viewing exercise in this negative lens, there is no amount of motivation or willpower you can muster to convince yourself to do it.
Rather than viewing exercise as a [pain, chore, insert negative word here], reframe your belief about exercise.
Here are some positive ways to look at exercise:
A form of self-care.
A stress reliever.
A fun rush of energy.
An endorphin high.
A (good) challenge.
An opportunity to get fitter, stronger, and healthier.
The simple act of reframing your belief about exercise can make a huge difference in your ability to stick with your fitness routine or not.
So before you say “Ugh, I HAVE to workout.” Consider saying instead, “I GET to workout!”
Jenny J
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