Since I was 16, I've pretty much started every morning with a cup of joe. Before I knew anything about nutrition, I'd fill it with artificially sweented creamers and sugars to mask the bitterness of the taste.
Eventually, I transitioned to coconut milk creamers and before this new ritual that I'm going to share, I'd drink coffee black.
But even starting my morning with coffee, I'd still end up heading to the break room to fill up my mug around 2pm to get another "hit."
That didn't sound too good! So, it made me question this habit that I've known for so long.
Rather than drinking coffee, she recommended a new morning ritual I'm about to share -- drinking a lemon cayenne tea every morning.
While you might think adding cayenne would be gross, you have to try it!
The taste of lemon was delicious while the cayenne gave a nice kick to perk me up! After drinking it for about a month, I feel like it has helped me boost my metabolism, aid in digestion, and just feel more in tune with my body!
If you have a coffee addiction or have trouble waking up in the morning, I encourage you to try it out for a week and see how you feel! My boyfriend and I have made it our daily morning ritual and we are loving it!
1. Boil water in a tea kettle or pot
2. Fill up a mug with half of the boiled water and half regular temperature water (warm is best for digestion and having it too hot kills some of the nutrients)
3. Squeeze half of a lemon
4. Sprinkle cayenne to your liking
5. Drink up!
Quick Tip: Try to drink your tea with a glass or steel straw (I used this kind). I know it sounds weird, but the acidity in the lemon is not good for your teeth enamel. Plus, putting a plastic straw in warm tea puts you at risk to BPA.
After about 15-20 minutes of drinking your tea, then you can have your first meal!
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