Confession: I Thought I Was Healthy But…

fitness lifestyle nutrition May 27, 2024

I gotta be honest with you. This is a little vulnerable for me to share considering I’m a health and fitness coach.

But, I do want to share something that I discovered this last week in hopes that it inspires you to become your own best advocate for your health.

Every year, I go to my doctor for my annual check-up as the good little student I am. After doing my lab work, he calls me and says: “Everything looks good! You’re healthy!”

But, as someone who’s curious about my own health data, I asked for a copy of my blood work (which baffles me that I don’t just receive this automatically).

Come to find out, I am on the cusp of pre-diabetes and high cholesterol.

Even though my numbers were still considered in the “normal range,” these were definitely a shock to me considering I work out daily, eat right, and live a very healthy lifestyle. (I am someone who doesn’t want to be just “NORMAL” health, I want to have OPTIMAL HEALTH.)

Unfortunately, I’ve learned anecdotally that doctors won’t say anything until it’s a “problem” (i.e. if I have full-blown diabetes).

This is such a shame.

Because if I had not checked for myself, I would’ve gone about my life making the same choices thinking I was being “healthy” when really I could be worsening the problem.

This brings me to Lesson #1:

Just because you’re “skinny,” just because you workout every day, and just because you eat healthy doesn’t necessarily equate to optimal health. Unfortunately, there can be things out of your control (like for me, my family genes) that can impact your health no matter how hard you try.

While that can be frustrating, I hope it EMPOWERS you to become an advocate for your own health.

Lesson #2:

Health should be INDIVIDUALIZED. Just because one diet works for someone doesn’t mean it works for you.

You need to take into consideration your family history, your predispositions, your lifestyle, and of course, your diet and exercise routine to really figure out how to best optimize your health.

Now that I have my health data, I can make better and more informed decisions on how to truly optimize the way I eat, train, and live so that I can live a life free from diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s (God-willing).

I hope my story inspires you to get your annual blood work done. Ask your doctor what your numbers mean. Do your own research. And be an advocate for yourself because no one is going to do it for you!!!

And don’t forget, back by popular demand, I’m hosting my FREE MASTERCLASS on How To Stop Yo-Yo Dieting & Lose the Stubborn Weight For Good!


I’m going to spilling the tea on:

  • How to start eating healthier balanced meals that keep you fuller for longer
  • The biggest mistakes that are slowing your progress without you realizing it
  • How to drop 1-2 pant sizes with simple lifestyle changes
  • Simple yet effective strategies to burn fat that have nothing to do with changing your exercise or diet plan

Date: Thursday June 6, 2024
Time: 4pm PST / 7pm EST
Location: Zoom


PLUS, at the end of the masterclass, I’ll be opening up the doors to my fitness + wellness community membership EmpowerU AND offering 50% off the lifetime of your membership!

If you’ve been wanting more accountability on your health and fitness journey and want to connect with like-minded women, you will not want to miss this opportunity to join us.

See you there!





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