How Catherine lost 11.6lbs in 4 weeks 😮

fitness nutrition Jun 17, 2024

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE a good transformation story. When I get personally down on my own goals, I look to other women for inspiration to remind me that I can do hard things.

If you’re feeling a little down on your journey and need some uplifting, I wanted to share some incredible transformation stories of some of our women in EmpowerU who committed to 4-weeks of consistent exercise and a healthy diet.

By the way, we’ve decided to EXTEND enrollment into EmpowerU! If you were late to the party, you can still join us for 25% off the lifetime of your membership!

Check out what Catherine accomplished in just 4 weeks of our last fitness challenge.

“My most significant transformation has been internal; I’ve gained newfound confidence in myself. I’m proud to say that I’ve shed 11.6 pounds and a total of 13 inches during this challenge.

But not all transformations have to be physical, they can also be about consistency.

Check out what Letty has to say after completing the challenge:

“The biggest transformation I experienced was the consistency for me. This was the most I have been consistent with my workouts on my entire journey. I never thought I would be that 5x a week person, but I DID IT!! I continue to surprise myself on this journey and it's one of the best feelings.”

And lastly, I’m excited to share Hailey’s non-scale victories that she accomplished:

“In the last 4 weeks, ALL of my scrub pants are loose on my booty and thighs and I bought 2 new pairs of jeans and didn’t dread the try-on process.”

Let this be your reminder that your success story is waiting for you if you just take action.

If Catherine, Letty, and Hailey can do it…so can you.

Join me in my next 4-week fitness challenge starting July 1st and join EmpowerU today.





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