How to use positive triggers to create healthier habits

lifestyle Nov 08, 2022

One of my favorite books Atomic Habits by James Clear has a great tip of creating “triggers” to set-up new habits you want to implement into your life.

If you’re trying to instill a new habit, whether it’s drinking more water or eating more veggies, you’ll want to “stack” the new habit with an already existing habit.

Let’s say you want to work on drinking more water throughout the day.

An existing, automatic habit that you may already do without much effort or thought is making your daily cup of joe in the morning.

What you can do is set up a “trigger” for yourself right before you’re going to make your cup of joe. For example, set out a glass of water right next to your coffee maker to remind you that you must first drink a glass of water before you drink your morning coffee.

Creating these “triggers” or “reminders” throughout the day by pairing it with an already existing habit can help make new healthy habits stick.





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