Signs of a Slow Metabolism (And How to Fix It)

fitness lifestyle workouts Jan 15, 2024

Whenever I hop on a consultation call with someone, they often tell me that they feel their “metabolism” is stuck which is ultimately holding them back from achieving their health and fitness goals.

I felt this way too when I was eating just 1,200 calories a day, working out consistently 5-6 days a week, and couldn’t lose a single pound.

So…do you have a slow metabolism?

Here are some signs that most likely mean you have a slow metabolism:

  • You’ve been eating 1,200 calories (or less)....for YEARSYou’ve done more than a handful of “extreme diet fads” in the past
  • You do mostly cardio and little to no strength training
  • You can simply be around a piece of cake and find yourself up to 2lbs the next day (joking on this one)
  • You live a mostly sedentary lifestyle
  • You tend to “run cold” most of the time

This is not an exhaustive list but definitely a good place to start reflecting on how YOUR metabolism is doing.

Now, if you feel you DO have a slow metabolism, what should you do about it?

Here are some simple steps to take this week:

  1. Increase NEAT (non-exercise activities) such as walking, fidgeting, doing chores, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.
  2. Add in heavy strength training at least 2-3 times per week
  3. Eat a high protein diet (aim for a palm-sized portion of protein in every meal)
  4. Slowly incorporate more calories back into your diet (about 100-200 calories per week) to slowly trick your metabolism to increase without leading to weight gain
  5. Stop doing extreme low calorie diets

Hope this helps!


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