Stretches To Fix Text Neck Syndrome

workouts Aug 02, 2018

You know that hunched over posture that you do on your phone? Or the rounded shoulder posture you do sitting at your computer all day? Yeah...NOT sexy!

Besides training and teaching classes, most of my day is spent sitting in front of a screen, and if you're like most of us, you have rounded shoulders, poor posture, and probably low back pain.

In order to counteract extended periods of sitting and hunching over, try any of these stretches and back strengthening exercises. There are plenty more that I want to show in future videos, but the point of these moves are to:

  • Do the exact OPPOSITE of what you do all day (i.e. open. your chest and shoulders)
  • Strengthen your back muscles and core
  • Stretch tight chest muscles and reduce forward shoulders

Best and EASIEST tip is to stand up out of your seat every 45-55 minutes, take a walk, and do some of these stretches! One of my faves is putting my hands on my desk, folding my upper body forward down to the floor as if I'm doing a downward dog, and trying to push my chest towards the expansive!

Do you deal with "text neck" or poor posture in general? Hit REPLY and let me know if you want to see more of these stretches and ideas you can do at your desk!

P.S. If you want these bands, I got them here from Amazon! Feel free to use my code JENNYJ15 to get a discount!

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