Tips to Survive Thanksgiving Guilt-free!

fitness lifestyle Nov 24, 2021

Enjoy your Thanksgiving without the guilt!

Here are some ways to enjoy the big Turkey Day and still make progress towards your health and fitness goals:

  1. Bring a healthy dish to the party: Since you have no control over what the rest of your family will bring to the potluck, bringing a healthy dish yourself is one way to ensure you’re not completely falling off the bandwagon.

  2. Enjoy the holidays with healthier recipes: The Fit Foodie Club (my weekly meal plan and recipe club) provides healthier recipes of your favorite foods without the extra calories, sugar, or guilt! Get a free 3-day trial here.

  3. Lower fat and carb intake a few days before and after Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving food is very heavy on carbs and fats. So if you want to try “balancing” the bulge, you can try reducing your fat and carb intake to moderate the carb/fat intake.
  4. Get a workout in that morning: Not only will you feel better, but starting your day with movement can actually help with digestion. If you want to try out my workouts on BODi, here’s a $7 day pass.

  5. Remind yourself that ONE day of overeating will NOT make you fat or derail your goals: Eating super healthy ONE day won’t make you lose weight. So why would you think that eating super bad ONE day would make you gain weight? It’s ONE day. So enjoy it, then get back into your regular routine!

I am grateful for you! Thank you for letting me share tips with you weekly! I’d love to hear from you - let me know what you’re grateful for in the comments below.

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