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Hungry All the Time? Try Adding This.

lifestyle nutrition Jun 24, 2024

Do you struggle feeling hungry all the time?

Like…you just had lunch, but then you find yourself thinking about food just one hour later?

If you find yourself never feeling full or satisfied...

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How Catherine lost 11.6lbs in 4 weeks 😮

fitness nutrition Jun 17, 2024

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE a good transformation story. When I get personally down on my own goals, I look to other women for inspiration to remind me that I can do hard things.


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Confession: I Thought I Was Healthy But…

fitness lifestyle nutrition May 27, 2024

I gotta be honest with you. This is a little vulnerable for me to share considering I’m a health and fitness coach.

But, I do want to share something that I discovered this last week in hopes...

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4 Steps to Look & Feel Good in Your Bikini

fitness lifestyle nutrition May 22, 2024

Let me set the record straight – there is no such thing as a “bikini body.”

No matter your size or shape, I want to remind you that you can (and should) rock whatever makes you...

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What to Eat Before and After Your Workout

lifestyle nutrition May 06, 2024

Not sure what to eat to best fuel your body before and after a workout?

Here are a few quick pointers that can help you optimize your training:

Pre-Workout Nutrition:

1. Consume complex carbohydrates...

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Top 3 Non-Negotiables to Live a Fit Lifestyle

fitness lifestyle nutrition Apr 15, 2024

Life has been BUSY! With all the wedding planning going, it’s been hard to stay on track with my health and fitness routine. But even though my life has been crazy these days, I have found...

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Are Electrolytes Necessary?

fitness nutrition Apr 08, 2024


Here’s the thing, you may be drinking a lot of water… but you may not actually be hydrating yourself without electrolyte supplementation.

Electrolytes are vital components for...

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My #SheddingForTheWedding Gameplan

fitness lifestyle nutrition Mar 25, 2024

It’s been really fun sharing the behind-the-scenes look of what I’m doing to prepare for my upcoming wedding! If you haven’t been keeping up-to-date, you’ll have to tune...

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5 Step Formula to Figuring Out Your Calorie Deficit

fitness nutrition Feb 12, 2024

If you are looking to lose weight in 2024, do NOT use an online calculator to tell you how much to eat. They’re almost always inaccurate and only consider a few factors such as your current...

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Add This to Your Meals to Boost Your Metabolism

lifestyle nutrition Jan 29, 2024

I bet you didn’t know that there’s one macronutrient that…

  • Can promote fat burning
  • Can boost your overall metabolism
  • Keeps you fuller for longer
  • Can help you burn more calories...
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